The Villages Genealogical Society

VGS Social Media

Many users think that social media was made for family historians.  We as genealogists actually enjoy finding distant relatives and may want to contact and keep in touch with them. Using mailing lists and message boards at one time was the means to find relatives and old friends. Times have changed! Social media now helps us to find those relatives and friends in ways that were not possible in the days of mailing lists and message boards. Are you using "Social Media for Genealogy"? If not, you may be missing out on the fastest growing part of genealogy research.
The VGS has created several social media sites to assist members with their research. Do you know that Facebook alone has thousands of "groups" just on genealogy?
The VGS Social Media Links:
The VGS Social Media Policy
The VGS on Facebook:
Facebook Private Groups for VGS Members
Eastern European SIG Group
Genetic Discoveries SIG Group:
German SIG Group:
Italian SIG Group:
Jewish Genealogy SIG Group:
Mid-Atlantic States SIG Group
Preserving Family History SIG Group:
Scandinavian SIG Group:
Social Media Sites of Interest
FamilySearch has Facebook pages for U.S. States and Countries
Canadian Genealogy on Facebook
Australian History and Genealogy Groups on Facebook