L-R: Past Presidents Bev Schonewolf-Hulett, Will Hoehndorf, Betty Mac Duff and Pat Rand
1993 -1997 Beverly Schonewolf-Hulett: Bev and Carolyn Foster were the founders of The Villages Genealogical Society. Bev was the first President serving through 1997. She was the Membership Chairman from 2006-2007 and is still an actve member.
1998-2005 Will Hoehndorf: Will led the organization through the difficult transition of growing from a small research group towards a more formal organization where more people were needed to meet the growing membership needs.
2006-2011: Betty MacDuff: Betty was the Publicity Chairman prior to becoming President. She served three terms and led The Society through an explosion of new members expanding their interest in genealogy. With under 200 members when she became President, our Society grew to over 600 members during her terms as President. She is still an active member.
2012-2014: Pat Rand: Pat was President for three years after serving as Vice-President and Program Chair for two years. The Society continued its growth, and at the end of her term had over 900 members. With her contacts from serving as Treasurer of the Federation of Genealogical Societies at the same time she was President, we were able to bring in nationally-known genealogical speakers. She believed that programming was the reason the Society had grown so much in the last three years. She plans to remain an active member.
2015-2016: Jim Lannin * : This was Jim Lannin’s first term as President and 3rd year on the Board of Directors of The Villages Genealogical Society. Jim, aka Jimmy Chromosomes, was also the leader of the VGS Genetic Genealogy Special Interest Group. Jim was a member of the Florida State Genealogical Society and the Genealogical Speakers Guild.
* Deceased